Writing Mistakes You Should Avoid To Be The Top 1% Writer

Failed writers lack these things.

Poonam Sharma
2 min readSep 6, 2024
Photo by Beth Hope on Unsplash

Thousands of writers start writing on the internet daily, but very few stay long. The reason is not the lack of skill but some basic things that need to be remembered if you want to be a top 1% writer online.

I've been writing for 2 years and have found these 3 tricks to be a top writer. These helped me stay long in the game, and they can also work for you.

Let's talk about them.

1. Nail the consistency

You may have heard the term consistency thousands of times, and as a writer, consistency plays a big role in your success. If you're a consistent writer, you're already in the top 1% of writers because people don't fail because they don't have skill, but they do because they lack consistency.

So, the first trick to nailing your writing career is to build continuity. Consistency doesn't mean every day, but it means doing a thing for a long time. Suppose you're publishing blogs on Medium. Publish for at least 6 months without breaking the cycle.

2. Be transparent and real

What is the difference between a big and a failed writer? It's transparency and honesty. People who just lie and…



Poonam Sharma

Your go-to writer on the internet to learn about the side hustle, writing, and audience building | Building online biz and helping others to do the same.