This One Skill Helped Me Make Thousands of $$$ Online.

You just need to put effort.

Poonam Sharma
2 min readSep 5, 2024
Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

Skill is one of the most powerful things in today's world. You can make your life efficient with just one skill. That's why whoever wants my advice, I just say learn a skill.

Everyone out there is making a living with the skills they have, be it 9 to 5 or being a freelancer.

But most people get confused about what skill they should learn.

While you should learn a skill up to your interest today, I'm going to tell you my story about a skill that helped me make thousands of $$$ in my bank account and gave me recognition online.

You must guess what skill I'm talking about till now.

Yes, I'm talking about my Notion template-building skills.

I started creating the Notion template last year, and till then, it's been a rollercoaster ride.

Notion is a productivity tool that allows you to build templates, and other people can duplicate them in their workspace to use them. Notion creator makes money by selling these Notion templates.

As a creator, you can choose a niche and build your product around that. The good thing about this skill is that it gives you a wide range of opportunities. The demand is huge, and…



Poonam Sharma

Your go-to writer on the internet to learn about the side hustle, writing, and audience building | Building online biz and helping others to do the same.