How I Made $150 with My Side Hustle In 30 Days

My journey to start a successful side hustle, you can do too.

Poonam Sharma
6 min readMay 20, 2023
Poonsm’s Gumroad dashboard

Making money online is a tempting thing. Isn't it?

So many blogs, YouTube videos, and content creators tell thousands of ideas to make money. But in reality, very few of them work. And to make them work, you need to put in all your efforts.

To cut it short, I'm going to tell you a proven way of making money online. It works for me well and maybe can work for you if you follow the right steps.

My journey

I started building my first template in January 2023, and it took me a lot of time to complete it ( I'm kind of everything should be the perfect type of person )

Finally, I was satisfied with my template, so I posted in Facebook groups about it to see if someone was really interested in buying my product.

After 5 minutes, I started getting comments, and I sent them the direct link to my notion as I haven't created any Gumroad page for it.

I got more than 30 replies that made me realize my template has potential and people want to buy it. I sat down and created a landing page on Gumroad.

I finally started sending my Gumroad link to people who were…



Poonam Sharma

Your go-to writer on the internet to learn about the side hustle, writing, and audience building | Building online biz and helping others to do the same.