Don’t Make This One Mistake if You Are a Newbie Creator

Avoid it at any cost.

Poonam Sharma
2 min readSep 10, 2024
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

I see most new creators make this mistake when they start with the hope of making money online.

Let's dig into it.

It is about setting unrealistic goals. Setting goals is a good thing, but if your goals are unrealistic, they can cost you a lot.

I've noticed many digital creators start their journey with Twitter accounts having a bio-like “on the mission of making $10K MRR”, while there is nothing wrong in being hopeful for the future. This thing clearly looks like an unrealistic goal to achieve.

First, you have to make your $1, $10 and $100. After that, you have to think about making $10k MRR.

These creators who keep this unrealistic hope eventually quit after 1-month because, after all, online money-making is not that easy.

After that, they tweet like all people who are talking about making money online are lying because they couldn't make it.

I've noticed this situation many times, so I thought I would share it with you all. If you are a newbie creator, please don't set these unachievable goals at first. Take small steps at times. this way you will make it on the internet.

What do you think about this mistake?

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Poonam Sharma

Your go-to writer on the internet to learn about the side hustle, writing, and audience building | Building online biz and helping others to do the same.